Craig Martell
Senior Advisor, Relevance Science & Engineering (Volunteer)
Craig Martell is Head of Relevance Science and Engineering at LinkedIn, Sales Solutions. Craig’s focus has been on leveraging modern AI technologies to help LinkedIn’s members succeed in networking, business and learning. Previously, Craig served both as Head of Engineering, Learning Experience and Head of Relevance Science, Natural Language Processing. Craig served as Associate Professor of Computer Science at the US Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) from 2003 to 2015. Apart from his work on AI and natural-language processing, Craig focuses on computer-science education. During his 12 years at NPS, he developed, along with his colleague Peter Denning, a unique way to bring non-technical students quickly up to speed on computer science. The end result was that even those with a non-technical undergraduate degree were able to earn a highly-ranked MS in Computer Science and do fundamental technical research of benefit to the Navy. This work culminated in an MIT Press book, Great Principles of Computing. Craig fundamentally believes we need a new way to introduce non-technically trained people to the joy and magic of math and computer science. Craig earned his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania.