Instanbul, Turkiye — Gordon Freedman, Chair of the Board for the National Laboratory for Education Transformation delivered a keynote address to the International Conference on Innovation in Basic — Higher Education. Titled Multiple Configurations for Higher Education as a Result of the Covid Era, the presentation highlighted how the shifts caused by the pandemic have permanently disrupted higher education and training.
Higher education and the secondary education and training associated with higher education experienced a massive Covid-related shock and relocation to remote learning worldwide. This inauspicious event did not simply pause higher education organization and processes, it permanently disrupted them. The global pandemic also intersected with a global push for diversity, inclusion and equity in education practices and responsibility. As result, the world of education, training and access to education has changed not into one new thing, or back to the old, but into a variety of multiple modes of education. Also, the connection between education and equal access to education has led to deeper connections to employment outcomes, something many higher education institutions do not track or enable very well. The new world of multiple configurations and multiple objectives is underway. This talk will discuss these events in the U.S. and also globally.
Download the presentation here.